Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Simpsons will be returning

Season 28 of The Simpsons will be airing on September 28, 2016 starting with Monty Burn's Fleeing Circus. Because no information has been released about the season other than the titles and production codes, the content of the episodes is left up to speculation. Last season did not end with a cliffhanger so it is safe to say this is a fresh set of stories.

List of upcoming episode titles:

Production codeTitleReference
VABF16"Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus"[203]
VABF17"Patriot Games"[204]
VABF18"Friends and Family"[205]
VABF19"Havana Wild Weekend"[206]
VABF20"Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus"[207]
VABF21"Trust But Clarify"[208]
VABF22"There Will Be Buds"[209]
WABF01"Dad Behavior"[210]
WABF02"The Nightmare After Krustmas"[211]
WABF03"The Last Traction Hero"[212]
WABF04"The Great Phatsby: Part One"[213]
WABF05"The Great Phatsby: Part Two"[214]
WABF06"Pork And Burns"[215]
WABF08"The Cad And The Hat"[217]
WABF09"Kamp Krustier"[218]
WABF10"22 For 30"[219]
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